RPG Publishers DBA

Specializing in publishing role-playing game related content, including: textbooks, workbooks, study guides, instructor manuals, and supplementary materials.

RPG Publishers DBA is a service offering by RPG Therapeutics LLC part of the growing range of service offerings from RPG.LLC.

You may ask for our catalog and publication information by sending email to: info at rpgpublishers dot com.

Among other topics, we are a publisher of role-playing games, and other role-playing game related content relevant to roleplaying game publishing.

Our goal is to provide exceptional, distinctive, original content.

We love our customers and welcome your feedback and suggestions!

Use our Contact Us page to tell us what we’re doing right or what we can improve on.

Planned release cycle process overview :

  1. Nearly final draft to select customers discounted E-book release (for final review by larger audience before printing).
  2. Limited release large format hardcovers.
  3. Limited release large format softcovers.
  4. Print on demand smaller format softcovers.
  5. General release E-book version.
  6. Revised editions begin the process from the top.

If you would like to be considered on our select customers discounted E-book nearly-final draft release discount purchase list, contact us.